The Story

The Story

Having played hockey for 60 years I have experienced many ‘zingers’. They varied from just ouch all the way to rolled on the ice in a ball, and telling the wife ‘NO’  for several weeks. Many players have even been hospitalized, and lost the ability to procreate. The traditional banana cup is just brutal, a medieval torture tool. I decided to toss the banana away and come up with a sensible hockey cup. Many have tried by tweaking the banana, adding soft rubber, flexing it, making it wider in the middle, etc. Physics laws do not change. 1. It is uncomfortable to cram the family jewels into the small area of the cup and try to move around. 2. Energy applied to an object will transfer through to an object (yourparts) touching the other side of the cup.


The Force Armour cup solves the physics problems by 1.   Providing a  separation space between your junk and the cup. 2. The cup extends to the front of your thighs to absorb the energy from the striking object.

The cup was carefully designed with many trials and iterations to provide the most comfortable protection. Other products show live testing that takes great pains to strike the traditional cup dead center. I have seen the “Sports Science” host exclaim, it is crucial (in striking the cup) to not miss (the quarter size target) or it could spell disaster. Can you imagine telling the opposing player to take his shot only when you are directly facing him with your feet together and if he hits your cup make sure it is the center of the cup, otherwise it may tip the cup and drive it into you with a cleaving action. With Force Armour the energy will be absorbed by the front of your thighs no matter where the cup is struck.